Steramine Sanitizer Tablets - For Effective Sanitization
Ensure top-notch hygiene in your food service establishment with Steramine Sanitizer Tablets. These blue-colored tablets dissolve in water, creating a distinct and clear sanitizing solution, perfect for food contact surfaces and equipment.
Case Quantity: 6 bottles per case, with 150 sanitizer tablets per bottle.
Efficiency: One to two tablets required per gallon of water, ensuring long-lasting use.
Safe and Gentle: Non-irritating to hands, non-corrosive to metals, odorless and non-staining.
Multi-Surface Use: Ideal for sanitizing food contact surfaces and equipment in various environments like restaurants, bars, daycare centers, and more.
EPA Registered: Meets stringent testing protocols, effective against infectious bacteria and HIV-1 (AIDS Virus).
Economical: A cost-effective solution for sanitization needs.
These versatile tablets are widely used in bars, restaurants, and various other industries worldwide. They are known for their effectiveness against a range of pathogens including CA-MRSA, E. coli, HIV-1, Listeria, and Staphylococcus aureus. Perfect for sanitizing glassware, countertops, utensils, and more, Steramine Tablets are a must-have for maintaining a clean and safe environment.
Note: The date on the product is the manufacture date. These tablets do not have an expiry date.