Spray 77 is a ready-to-use, disinfectant/cleaner that kills 99.9% of bacteria and germs. Our EPA registered product is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria and microorganisms including HIV, HBV, HCV, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, and the Pandemic 2009 h2N1 Influenza A Virus (swine flu). Spray 77 will eliminate odors and will clean and deodorize in one easy step. Great for use on hard, non-porous inanimate environmental surfaces including floors, walls, metal surfaces, stainless steel, chrome, brass, plastic surfaces, and ceramic tile.
Directions for Use
Remove gross filth or heavy soil prior to application of Spray 77. Hold container six to eight inches from surface to be treated. Spray area until it is covered with solution. Allow product to penetrate and surface to remain wet for 3 minutes for Bloodborne Pathogens: Allow to penetrate and remain wet for HIV-1 1 minute and for HBV and HCV 5 minutes. No scrubbing is necessary. Wipe off with a clean cloth. mop or sponge. Thoroughly rinse the surface with potable water.
Technical Specifications:
- Size: 1 Quart
- Appearance: Clear Liquid
- Odor: Fresh
- pH: 10-11
- Foaming: Low
- Flash Point: None
- Rinsability: Complete
- Stability/Storage: 2 Years
- Emulsification: Complete
- Solubility: 100%
- Phosphate Content: None
- Case Quantity: 12
- Sold as: 1 Case
Safety Reminder:
Consult Product Label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before use. Prior to using this or any cleaning product, make sure employees read and understand the hazard information found on the product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS). The label and SDS will also provide information on handling precautions, protective equipment and first aid instructions which might be appropriate for this product.
***.Safety Data.***.Technical Data.***